Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My story: how to reduce scarring

Hi there. You’ve probably found this blog because you were looking for information on how to reduce scarring. So my guess is that you are genuinely bothered by (some sort of) scar you have and you are searching for some kind of natural scar treatment.

First of all, it’s a perfectly normal feeling to be disturbed, maybe even ashamed of it. Having a scar can make you feel really uncomfortable if it’s in a visually accessible place. People tend to stare at it. This can make you feel really insecure. You’ve probably already tried multiple scar removal products which didn’t help. There’s always laser scar treatment, but for normal people like you and me, that’s just too costly.

If you're already bored with what I'm telling here, just click the link and see what my point is =>CLICK HERE TO LEARN HOW I GOT RID OF MY SCAR<=

Let me tell you, I’ve been in the same spot. A few years ago I was mountainbiking through the French alps when all of sudden my front tire exploded going downhill. I smacked into the ground with a serious speed. The result was a broken arm and a big wound on my cheek right under my eye, which obviously resulted in a big scar some time later. I was unable to work for about a month and it cost me my job.

So I had to go find a new one. I kept looking for a similar job to my last one but I kept struggling, even though I have great experience and qualifications. I started wondering if the people interviewing me, maybe subconciously, turned me down because of the ugly scar. It made me feel really insecure, even when just walking down the street. I started going a bit paranoid over it and was anxiously looking for a cheap way to reduce scarring. Now that I didn’t have a job anymore, I was definitely looking for some kind of natural scar treatment instead of one that costs thousands of dollars.

I started searching all over the internet for information and went through multiple books on scar treatment. I tried all kinds of scar creams, special scar remedies, natural scar removal products… As you can probably guess, nothing really worked. I started to sink further and further into a black hole. It looked like I was doomed to fail because of the stupid scar.

Just when I was about to quit my search for a job, I found a product for natural scar treatment on the internet. Not believing that it would still make a difference, I tried the product anyway out of desperation. It was actually a book written by a guy named Sean Lowry. He was looking for some kind of natural scar removal product after being in a nasty skiing accident and claimed he had found a solution. I was thinking: “hey, we both got our scar by smacking onto the ground, maybe this wel will work for me too”. That was the most of humor I still had inside of me… So I made the purchase in a final attempt to reduce my scarring.

It was provided with an instant download, so I started reading immediately. I was anxious to know the author’s secrets on scar treatment. As I was reading through it, I became more and more amazed of how well this guy knew his stuff and how easy the solution actually was. Well, at least if it worked… The book talked about all different types of scars, so I read the whole thing. That way, if it worked, I could maybe help other people with their scar problem too.

Ok, it was time for action. I realized that this could easily take weeks, so I shouldn’t freak out if after a week there was no significant reduction yet. Even though I didn’t have much energy and was kind of despressed, I kept following the author’s method to treat my scar.

To my huge surprise, I noticed that after only 10 days, my scar had reduced dramatically. I was so excited, I thought I was gonna jump through the roof. This guy was my hero! I got such an energy and confidence boost that I started looking for a job again. And you know what? About 3 weeks later the scar was practically gone and I had a new job. You know what else? The job is even better than my previous one. I get payed more, have to work fewer hours and it’s even more fun. My wife and I can finally pay the bills again without a problem.

There was just one thing left: my mountainbike. The one and only cause of my huge scar treatment problem. It had been standing on the side for several years after the accident. I managed to forgive the bike and I’m using it again. Hell, I’ll even buy a new one in a few months thanks to my new job.

If you’re interested in the book I just described, click the link below and have a look. I think you won't regret it.


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